Our partnership with Loop Interiors, a leading independent Design and Build company providing professional turn-key solutions to major international customers, enables us to offer a truly global service to our clients in the UK and Europe. Similarly, adrianse* will offer our shared customers in the Asia-Pacific region a design and build capability. This partnership is in line with our vision to grow globally while delivering innovative spaces seamlessly, further accelerating organic growth by serving a larger demographic.
Our partnership with Eurocres, makers of world-leading workplace consulting tools, enables us to provide clarity and transparency to our clients, and improve the efficiency of their workspaces. Advanced Eurocres tools like NetScan, ActivityCode, WorkPlaceMOVE, ActiveOffice, and LivingWorkPlace help clients align their people with technology to ensure ultimate efficiency. This partnership allows us to address both the hard and the soft issues, covering everything from strategy development to complete implementation, monitoring and long-term maintenance.
Our partnership with WORKTECH Academy, the world's fastest-growing online knowledge platform and member network exploring the future of work and workplaces, allows our our growing team exclusive access to a platform showcasing best corporate practices, academic research, thought leadership, business tools and industry trends. This partnership also showcases our experts' wealth of knowledge to a global community of designers, corporate end-users, solution providers, and academics.